Our Podcast Resumé

We have joined efforts to produce an exciting novel based on our personal experiences, losing our fortunes, and through a savvy recovery thanks to clever Stella, who found an opening when all doors were closed.

About us

We both have been roaming around the circles of the well-fortunate and even joined the club. Stella and I met at a decisive time when both had lost our personal fortunes. Through savvy Stella, a recovery plan came to be, allowing us to return to the surface and reach a comfortable future. We have published a 5 book series, Bonjour Never Land, based on our 5-year stint in the world of the Crazy Rich and Famous, which accounts for our ups and downs and adventures in this mysterious world hidden from the average folks. 

Subjects we can discuss

Our personal experiences living in the homes of the super-rich

A professional chef, Stella will unveil her cooking secrets & her expertise as a wine expert.

How we did master writing in a foreign language, English being our second language

The chore of writing  a novel and the hurdles of selling it

Food and recipes, Stella being a professional chef

Wine tastings

Healthy food

Herb’s & Spices

We can be reached to any of the following links:

Our emails




On Social 






 How we Promote Podcasts: we are on

We will tweet a link to the podcast episode on the PodcastGuests Facebook page and Twitter handle. I will also include a link in my PodcastGuests.com newsletter that goes out to 5,000 + people. We will also promote the episode on social media.

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