It’s here again, the Valse of the wine openers is on full blast. At the same time as Thanksgiving, you are entitled to a double whammy. Yes siree, it’s Beaujolais time…, the time of the Nouveau.
Why the heck is the “Nouveau?” Beaujolais Nouveau is a Red wine or Rose from the Gamay variedad. Light, fruity, and a subtle taste of banana. This wine has to be drunk now, it will not last past a couple of months.
Since 1975 the famous « Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé,» resonates every year, announcing the launching of the year’s “Nouveau.” The Beaujolais nouveau has conquered the world. Japan for instance is the number one consumer of the “Nouveau.” le Beaujolais Nouveau rosé is breaking into sales with a vengeance. Le nouveau is a preview of the year’s crop. Let’s enjoy a glass of Nouveau with our turkey dinner. Happy Thanksgiving to All.