The Declaration of Independence is the nation’s birth certificate. Also the 4th of July is the most watched televised hot-dog-eating contest in the world. 150 million of hot dogs will be consumed on that day in the entire Nation.

Coney Island, New York, hosts a famous, televised hot-dog-eating contest every year on July 4th.

Meanwhile, the winner of the Coney Island Hot dog eating contest might gobble up to 62 of them… maybe more this year? Well something nothing about…, How many can you eat? We’d like to know and give you the honor of showing you on top our cover for our next issue. Don’t be shy––

A few interesting Hooplas related to the 4th:
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson the two famous signers of the Declaration of Independence both died on its 50th anniversary.
James Monroe would die on July the 4th 1831
Meanwhile, Calvin Coolidge was born on the 4th of July

Bristol, Rhode Island, was home to the first 4th of July parade in 1785