Tomato Tart

préparation : 10 min

cooking Time: 20-25 min 


12 inch tart:

Pate brisée ici (here)

4 tomatoes ( plus or minus according to size of tomatoes )

– Sliced Emmental –

Dijon Moutarde

-S & P  Provençâle herbs

– Olive oil

Préheat the oven to  le four à 360°

Slice the tomatoes into thin slices, remove the seeds 

Spread the pastry dough pâte brisée in a 12” mold.

Spread the mustard all over the dough.

place the slice of Emental over the mustard.

S & P, add the Provencal herbs and drip olive oil over

Bake 20 to 25 minutes according to your oven

Bon appétit!!

Oops…, in case you don’t know how to make a Pâte Brisée.

Pâte Brisée

Here is the recipe for the  Pâte Brisée!

It will keep in the refrigerator for up to one week in a completely airtight container or 3 months in the freezer.


Préparation time  :15 min

For 450 grm of pâte brisée:

-250 gr flour

-150 gr of butter cut in chunks slightly soften

– 5 gr of salt

-1 pinch of sugar

– 1 egg

-1 Cup of cold milk 

Place the flour on top of the working area make a well. Place the butter salt, sugar, and the egg

Mix with the tip-off your fingers.

Bring the flour slowly towards the center and mingle until the dough is sandy. Add the milk incorporate with the tip-off your fingers until all absorbed.

Flatten the dough with the palm of your hand, turn, and mix 4 to 5 times. Squash the dough to render the dough completely homogenized.

Form a bowl, wrap it in a transparent film, keep it in the refrigerator until ready to be used.

Former une boule, l’envelopper de film transparent et la réserver au frais jusqu’à l’emploi.

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