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A simile magic carpet

Sophie’s magic carpet
Sophie’s Magic carpet is a golf cart, which she called her Magic Carpet since it allows her to go anywhere in the park. Golf carts are the easiest way to travel in Wonderland. The scoundrels live in a private home, which was part of an annexed piece of land. Wonderland is a series of farms bought and joined into this marvelous paradise Wonderland. Sophie and Pierre’s home is three-quarters of a mile from the main complex. The centerpiece is a large home of more than 25k sq feet and a couple of annexes the size of large Beverly Hills homes. In addition on top of the hill facing the complex, there is the firehouse the central housed office, and a reception hall. Next, a full-size garage, with two full-time mechanics to take care of the 80 plus vehicles necessary for the good functioning of the complex.
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